Fit Tip Daily

January 19, 2008

Cross Train Your Way To A New Body


      So you’ve decided that you’re going to lose weight.  You go to the gym and do your standard 30 – 40 minutes of cardio on your usual cardio machine…… but is that enough to keep you changing?  If you want faster results in little time, then it time you switch it up!  Cross training could be what gets in those smaller jeans. 

       If you aren’t sure what cross training is then here is your answer.  Cross training involves various type of exercising such as, running, swimming, elliptical, stair climbing, and cardio classes.  Pick one type of exercise per day and keep switching it up.  You could even do that type of cardio for several days and then switch. 


    If you’re trying to get the most out of your cardio then cross training will confuse your body so it burns MORE calories. 

    “Another bonus of cross training is that mixing up your routine also decreases repetitive strain injuries from over use. Adding biking, swimming, etc. to a running program, your joints get a break and your muscles will be worked in different ways. Making you well rounded in your fitness (credit).”

      If you’re stuck in your old routine and you aren’t getting the results you once were… then it’s time for a change!  Switch up your cardio so your hard work at the gym really shows. 

Adria Ali

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